Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in California. There are numerous consequences associated with a DUI conviction, including fines, jail time, and restricted driving privileges. DUIs also impact your driving record.

Duration of Alcohol-Related Offenses on Driving Records

There are various factors influencing the duration of DUI records across states. For instance, some states use point systems to determine the impact a DUI will have on driving records. In any state, however, a DUI on your driving record is not ideal. Insurance companies pull your record to calculate insurance policy rates, which means your rates will increase. Employment may also be negatively impacted by DUIs.

DUI Point Systems

States that use a point system often base the length of time the offense stays on your record on the number of points you accumulate. For example, in Alaska, a DUI is worth 10 points and stays on a driving record forever. An Arkansas DUI adds 14 points to a driving record and stays for five years.

A California DUI adds two points to your driving record. Despite the seemingly low point value, the points are not necessarily reflective of the impact of DUIs on driving records. For example, there is no point threshold for license suspension after a DUI in California. In most cases, your driver’s license will be suspended automatically, regardless of your points. This suspension can last from six months up to three years.

Another consideration is that of out-of-state DUIs. Because of the severity of a DUI offense, conviction information from each state is often available in other states. It is likely that a conviction of driving under the influence from a state other than California will affect you in California and vice versa.

How long do alcohol-related charges stay on a driving record in California? California DUIs will remain on your driving record for 10 years. While that timeframe is better than some other states that keep the offense forever, a decade is still a significant amount of time. With a DUI on your driving record, you will likely be required to pay higher insurance premiums. Subsequent offenses will also result in more serious penalties.

There is no possibility of removing a DUI from a driving record in California. The offense stays on your record for 10 years, with no option to have it removed. Preventing the DUI conviction is the best course of action if you want to forgo the negative consequences, which is why working with a DUI attorney is a good idea.

Duration of DUI Entries on Criminal Records

DUIs are more than traffic infractions in California; they are also criminal offenses. Not only do they show up on driving records, but they are also a part of your criminal record. California DUIs stay on a criminal record permanently. This can present significant challenges. If you want to have this conviction removed from your criminal record, you must seek expungement. That is the only option to clear your record of a DUI.

You may be able to pursue expungement if you completed DUI probation and did not serve any time in state prison for the DUI. There may be other relevant criteria, but these are the main qualifying factors for seeking DUI expungement in California.

The process for expungement will vary based on your previous DUI case. If you pled guilty or no contest, expungement will allow you to withdraw that plea and change it to a not guilty plea. If you went through a trial and were found guilty, the judge will set aside that decision. The case will then be dismissed.

DUIs as Previous Convictions

Because a DUI stays on your criminal record unless expunged, it will impact any future DUI charges or convictions. Penalties for first offenses are less severe than those for subsequent offenses. With even one prior DUI conviction, you can expect future convictions to carry a much heavier burden in terms of fines, jail sentencing, and other penalties.

The impact on your driving record will diminish once the charge is removed from your record after the ten-year period. Subsequent DUIs after those ten years will be treated like first offenses on your driving record.

Contact a California DUI Attorney

If you still have questions about how long alcohol-related offenses appear on your driving record or want to discuss your ongoing DUI case with an experienced attorney, contact the Law Offices of Sheny Gutierrez to schedule a free consultation. We can build a solid defense against your DUI charges or help you request the expungement of an existing DUI conviction.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.